Show Mom You Love Her By Taking Her To A Japanese Steakhouse For Mother's Day And Starting A Massive Brawl With The Entire Staff

Hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day. How did you show your mom you love and appreciate her? Brought some flowers over hopefully. Went out to a nice brunch, wrote a thoughtful card. Maybe went for a walk if it was a nice day out. Maybe took her to a Japanese steakhouse and started a brawl with the wait staff where every employee in the place including the line cooks came out to throw haymakers and knock motherfuckers out all over the hibachi grills. No right or wrong responses here, all great ways to spend the day celebrating the most important woman in your life.

“Japanese cuisine from hibachi entrees to special sushi rolls served amid wood-paneled decor.” Not the worst place in the world to take mom, sounds kind of nice actually. It’s when the waiter throws a freaking drink tray across the room at 100 MPH straight at your throat that things lose their luster.

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